I touch my heart and feel it start to crack
I guess this is how it feels when the guy you love, doesn't love you back
Hari terakhir gue bbman sama dia itu hari Senin tanggal 14 Mei 2012. Ga banyak yang kita omongin, karena kita udah tau posisi masing masing. It hurts me. Setelah tau kalo dia udah balikan dengan mantannya lagi, hati gue bener bener gatau gimana bentuknya.
They say to love someone is to wait for him, but i also need to love myself by knowing when to walk away.
Denger dia cerita tentang pacarnya bikin gue ngerti kalo selama ini gue cuma berharap satu hal yang gak mungkin. Entah dia pura pura bego atau emang dia bego beneran deh. Secara dia pasti tau kalo gue pengen banget sama dia. Dan dia cerita tentang pacarnya ke gue. Rasanya itu kayak pas beli kue sus mahal, ngentek, sakit, dan ga bisa diungkapkan. Fffffuuu.
It might be hard to be lovers
But its harder to be friends
Because everything says we should be more than we are
We are not strangers anymore
So go on, get on with your life
I'll get on with mine
Just let the wind blow us
To wherever it takes we are suppose to go
When we're older
The memories fade
But its harder to be friends
Because everything says we should be more than we are
We are not strangers anymore
So go on, get on with your life
I'll get on with mine
Just let the wind blow us
To wherever it takes we are suppose to go
When we're older
The memories fade
But i know i'll still feel the same
Until i find someone special who is waiting for me out there
Thank you so much hey idung !
I'm really happy because everything start with you
I'm really happy because everything start with you
Biarlah semuanya berjalan seperti biasanya dan seperti yang seharusnya. Biarkan matahari kembali bersinar, burung kembali berkicau, dan rumput kembali bergoy... okey cukup. Haha. Hidup gue akan berjalan normal kembali. Pasti.
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